OK, so winning and losing, it’s a key life lesson, isn’t it? But being a mum of three, I’ve discovered just how tricky it can be to teach.
We are the proud owners of a Nintendo Switch. Matthew challenged me to a MarioKart race and I won. He was absolutely devastated as he is used to winning against his younger siblings. I haven’t been invited to play against him again…
This is in sharp contrast to Portal Nights on the PS4 which I am awful at so he is happy for me to show my ineptitude…!
This week I have played Monopoly Junior with the kids. I beat Anya and she was sobbing. I admit to throwing several games in the past with all the kids by sneakily having less money when setting up.
I frequently ask the older two to let Zach win at games and races because as the youngest he will always have less capacity for winning until he is an adult and the playing field is more even.
My sister and I were never as competitive as my 3. I’m not sure if this is a gender thing or if we had different interests so were not in oppositiion.
I asked my fellow bloggers for their opinions on whether we should let children win and here is what they said:
No I think it’s good for them to lose occasionally as it sets them up for life to realise they can’t win / have all that they want. Lianne, www.anklebitersadventures.co.uk
I had an older brother who rarely let me win. It taught me that losing is real life, and I’ve got to work to be better. I do let my 4 year old win most of the time. But she has to learn to lose too, so I don’t always let her beat me! Jo, www.arosetintedworld.co.uk
I don’t think we should let children win. Losing is part of life. However, if they are really young, it doesn’t hurt to support them to win and let them experience that too. Vicki, www.blossomeducation.co.uk
You should let them win occasionally to let them experience the joy of winning but also let them lose to learn to do better. It’s about balance more than anything. Win every time they’ll expect to win, but if they lose once in a while they’ll learn to both laugh at their loss and learn from it. Sarah, www.sarahlouwrites.com
I don’t always let my girls win. I think they need to learn that they can’t always have their own way and learning how to deal with defeat is important. My girls are 8. I regularly play games such as draughts and Chinese checkers with them. Sometimes I’ll let them win, sometimes I don’t – I wouldn’t let them win all the time. It’s about balance. Emily, www.twinmummyanddaddy.com
I often let my girls win the first couple of times to boost their confidence. I know it’s not realistic to always let them win “in real life” but knowing my children, I know that a quick morale boost here and there means that they become more determined and likely to stick at it. Beth, www.twinderelmo.co.uk
My son cries if he loses but I always tell him that in life he isn’t always going to win or get his own way and the earliest he learns that the better he be. Tina, www.thenearydiaries.com
My eldest is only four so I ease him in gently by letting him win a couple of times, then BOOM, real life strikes and he’s got to fight to win like the rest of us. Although he doesn’t like losing! Helen, www.twinstantrumsandcoldcoffee.com
I have 4 year old twin girls… one of them always has to lose and they have had to learn that from a young age. We have tried to congratulate the winner and joked about with the losers… we have had tears and grumps but it works most of the time. Unfortunately we don’t win everything in life so it’s a good learning curve! Anna, www.twinsandtravels.com
No, games should be played fairly then there’s more buzz when they win and they learn how to lose as well as win. I’m all for giving tips though to help them think strategically (My husband doesn’t agree but then he rarely plays games). Emma,https://bubbablueandme.com
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